v rubriki glasba:
.. / / / 18.09.2002

Uspešnice Stonesov na novem albumu

Dvojni CD s štiridesetimi na novo, z digitalno tehniko, obdelanimi skladbami skupine The Rolling Stones. Prvi obsežen retrospektiven album, ki vključuje vse uspešnice legendarne skupine The Rolling Stones od samega začetka do danes, izide 30. septembra 2002.

Poleg klasik, kot so (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction, Ruby Tuesday, Brown Sugar, Miss You in Start Me Up in ki bodo zadovoljile stare in nove navdušence tega "banda stoletja" so posebej za to zbirko vključene še štiri nove skladbe producenta Dona Wasa.

Forty Licks je dvojni cd z dvajsetimi skladbami na vsakem cd-ju in predstavlja vrh sodelovanja brez primere znotraj glasbene industrije med skupino The Rollling Stones, ABKCO records in EMI-jevo založbo Virgin records za Severno Ameriko ter The Rolling Stonesi, ABKCO, Universal Music International in EMI za preostali svet.

Ključne osebe o sodelovanju pravijo: "Mick asked that we should try to "Square the Circle" - The Stones wanted it and I'm happy we could do it with them." - Allen Klein (ABKCO)

"This is the first time there has ever been a complete and definitive Rolling Stones collection covering the band's entire career. Forty Licks features an incredible range of classic Stones tracks, over two-and-a-half hours of music personally selected by the band that will appeal to both long time fans of The Rolling Stones and to people who want to experience them for the first time. The Rolling Stones are true legends and EMI is very proud to be releasing this seminal collection." - David Munns ( vice chairman of EMI Recorded Music)

"No rock & roll band in the world has music which stands the test of time better than the Rolling Stones, and Forty Licks shows exactly why. The time is perfect to release this package, which will satisfy music fans everywhere." - Max Hole (senior vice president of A&R and marketing at Universal Music International)

The Rolling Stonesi so svojo svetovno turnejo 2002/03 začeli v Bostonu 3. septembra. Po več kot štiridesetih nastopih po Severni Ameriki pa bodo v letu 2003 nadaljevali v Evropi, Avstraliji in Aziji, kjer upajo na prvi koncert na Kitajskem. Na oder so kot predskupine med drugim povabili tudi No Doubt, Pink, Sheryl Crow, Buddy Guy in Jonny Lang. Stonesi še vedno držijo rekord vseh časov za tri najbolje obiskane turneje (Steel Wheels, Voodoo Lounge in Bridges to Babylon).

Vir: RockOnNet.com

Rolling Stones - thumbnail

Rolling Stones