v rubriki glasba:
.. / / 27.02.2003

The Velmas v Ortu ali nadaljevanje že začete zgodbe

članek). Kakorkoli že, dokaj kmalu smo dobili tudi pojasnilo s strani Orto kluba in ga tudi objavili zraven članka in na žalost (ter dokaj naivno) preusmerili krivdo na izvajalca The Velmas, ne da bi jih prej vprašali tudi za njihovo plat zgodbe. Za to se iskreno opravičujemo.

In tukaj dobi zadeva nov "twist". Včeraj smo dobili na uredništvo razlago dogodka s strani g. Roberta McKenzieja, pevca skupine The Velmas, v katerem pojasnjuje svoje videnje zgodbe v Ortu. Le-to bomo objavili v celoti skupaj s pojasnilom Orto kluba, ki je že bilo objavljeno na teh straneh.

ŽVPL-u gre predvsem za to, da vsaka od vpletenih strani pove svojo plat zgodbe. Upam, da bo to vsaj malo pomirilo strasti med obema akterjema in bosta lahko ta neljubi nesporazum pustila za seboj.


Sporočilo Orto klub (pripisano k članku 7. februarja 2003)

S situacijo, da je band pred koncertom spremenil pogoje smo se včeraj pač soočili prvič v osmih letih obstoja.Vsem obiskovalcem se opravičujemo za nastalo situacijo, vendar se nam je odpoved koncerta zdela še bolj boleča. Vendar pa glede na odzive, verjetno boljša rešitev, če bo skupina pač vztrajala na spremembi.Še enkrat se opravičujemo in zagotavljamo, da se kaj takega ne bo ponovilo!

-------------E-mail ki smo ga dobili na Uredništvo dne 26. februarja 2003 (zraven pa še pojasnilo, da ne bi izgubilo avtentičnosti pisma nismo prevajali)

A friend just told me about your article reporting on the disappointed people who tried to attend our ORTO concert but turned away when they found out about an unadvertised cover charge. On behalf of the Velmas let me apologize for this monumental misunderstanding. Our fans are extremely important to us, and we would never do anything to question their faith in us as musicians or human beings.

Now let me set the record straight.

ORTO's characterization of blame on the Velmas in their response to your article is a sad, but laughable attempt in blame-shifting. Here are the REAL facts as they occurred:

1) ORTO knew and agreed to a cover charge at least three weeks in advance. It's their bar, afterall. The Velmas aren't popular enough in Slovenia to demand terms from any bar owner.

2) ORTO never told us they had advertised on posters or in Delo, among other papers, that the concert would be free. We only found out about it only the next day.

3) ORTO didn't come to us at any time to inform us about customer dissatisfaction about the door policy.

4) ORTO's claim that they considered cancelling the concert is laughable, they would take whatever money they could take in at the door and bar. Also, if they didn't know about the cover as they claim, why did they schedule a doorman to come into work for the evening?

5) If the Velmas had known about how the concert was advertised, we would have arranged to honor the advertisement. Music is our first, and only concern. Musicians don't make enough money to live on from one concert, much less our first concert EVER in Ljubljana. Furthermore, as we all have careers outside of the band, any money we make from a concert is beer money, at best.

6) We have no explanation how this could happen. ORTO seemed to do everything in their power to not allow people in the door. We had several people tell us after the concert that they weren't allowed in because they wanted to wear their coats into the upstairs space. They also said they were treated extremely rudely by the person working the door. ORTO's characterization (in their reponse to the article) of caring about their patrons seems false and disingenuous, indeed.

7) The Velmas have never had this happen at a concert in our five years of existence. We have played almost 75 concerts together in that time in three countries, not to mention hundreds of concerts between us with other bands.

8) The Velmas are, frankly, confused about ORTO's bridge burning attitude toward the band. As band representative, I have had nothing but positive experiences in speaking with Marko at ORTO. He's likeable, and seems organized. We choose to believe that this was just a HUGE misunderstanding/miscommunication somewhere. If so, we take responsibility for our fair share.

9) Even with the misunderstanding, almost 60 people came through the door. We were told by several witnesses and friends that almost 40 people turned around and walked out when they saw the cover charge. We are sincerely sorry for the lost opportunity to show our music to that many people.

10) If any of those people who turned away from our concert read this, we hope you will consider giving us another shot, and will do our best to make it up at our next concert.

Lastly, SHAME on you ŽVPL, for attaching blame on someone without even asking for their side of the story. This is irresponsible journalism, and in your own words, "tako se pač ne dela!"

Robert McKenzie
Singer, The Velmas


In to je to. Dve povsem drugačni plati iste zgodbe, kaj drži in kaj ne, pa presodite sami.

Odgovorni urednik

Gregor Zalaznik - avatar

Gregor Zalaznik

Bivši urednik ŽVPL, ki je od 15.06.1998 na ŽVPL-u skupaj objavil 233 člankov.

Velmas plakat z brezplacnim vstopom - thumbnail

Velmas plakat z brezplacnim vstopom